is a resource for information on environmentally friendly, renewable
alternative energy such as Solar, Fuel Cell, Biomass, Geothermal, Wind, Wave, and
other innovative and interesting sources of energy that minimize
the effect on our own planet's resources.
IMG has offered a
limited catalog of high quality consumer alternative energy products in the past,
and is now researching other products that will eventually be offered here.
Stay tuned for exciting products from MoreVolts.com...
hope you enjoy and find this site useful. If you have suggestions,
links, or other comments, please feel free to send them to Customer Service: cs@morevolts.com
The Source of Power
Volts (Named after Alessandra Volta) is the measure of electromotive
force (&electric field potential) that is the source of power
for all electronic devices. Power is the measure of volts &
current (amperes) over time. It is common to say you want more power,
but what you really mean is you want More Volts! For example, when
a typical battery dies, it no longer can provide power because the
voltage drops due to consumption of its chemical fuel - the difference
between a good battery & a dead battery is the volts (or electromotive
force available). In other words, you don't get power without volts,
so when you want more power, you really want More Volts!
MoreVolts.com's main focus is on moving the human
race off of its dependence on fossil fuels onto renewable &
cleaner energy sources. By finding new, innovative, and unique products,
we will market, advertise, and sell featured products that can be
managed profitably, while educating and exposing to customers and
prospects new products, new ideas, and alternative solutions.